How Do I Use A Self-Uploaded Font On A Single Page?
How Do I Use A Self-Uploaded Font On A Single Page?
How Do I Use A Self-Uploaded Font On A Single Page?
Hello and welcome to StackExchange for WordPress. When you run npm run watch it only watches the compiling process of your .sass files, It’s not magically recognizing the things you want. You have to explicitly tell your bundler to do that. You could manually put all the fonts in their respective, correct place. However, that … Read more
I haven’t found any solution to entirely convert dashicons- class automatically generated into fas fa-…. Having always used fa-solid or fa-regular I didn’t know you could shorten with fas and far. My mistake So I bypassed the style font-family:dashicons; adding: div.wp-menu-image.dashicons-before[class*=”fa”]::before { font-family: “Font Awesome 6 Free” !important; } In theory [class*=”fa”] include fa, fas, … Read more
@TomJNowell – Thanks for this detail info, clarification and advice. I didn’t know about the new debug constant so will learn how to utilize that, and will use a child theme. I wasn’t able to fix this issue, so I spun up a new server and my font updates worked. So I’ll just abandon the … Read more
Never mind. I figured it out. I used the html source code to find the sections I needed to fix, and added custom CSS to alter the text color using the !important declaration to override any other CSS where needed.
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