How can I use goto in Javascript?

Absolutely! There is a project called Summer of Goto that allows you use JavaScript at its fullest potential and will revolutionize the way you can write your code. This JavaScript preprocessing tool allows you to create a label and then goto it using this syntax: For example, the example in the question can be written … Read more

What is wrong with using goto?

Because they lead to spaghetti code. In the past, programming languages didn’t have while loops, if statements, etc., and programmers used goto to make up the logic of their programs. It lead to an unmaintainable mess. That’s why the CS gods created methods, conditionals and loops. Structured programming was a revolution at the time. goto’s are appropriate in … Read more

Is there a “goto” statement in bash?

No, there is not; see §3.2.4 “Compound Commands” in the Bash Reference Manual for information about the control structures that do exist. In particular, note the mention of break and continue, which aren’t as flexible as goto, but are more flexible in Bash than in some languages, and may help you achieve what you want. … Read more

Does anyone still use [goto] in C# and if so why?

There are some (rare) cases where goto can actually improve readability. In fact, the documentation you linked to lists two examples: A common use of goto is to transfer control to a specific switch-case label or the default label in a switch statement. The goto statement is also useful to get out of deeply nested … Read more

Examples of good gotos in C or C++

Heres one trick I’ve heard of people using. I’ve never seen it in the wild though. And it only applies to C because C++ has RAII to do this more idiomatically.

The equivalent of a GOTO in python [duplicate]

Gotos are universally reviled in computer science and programming as they lead to very unstructured code. Python (like almost every programming language today) supports structured programming which controls flow using if/then/else, loop and subroutines. The key to thinking in a structured way is to understand how and why you are branching on code. For example, lets pretend … Read more