Separate array output into a

The foreach loop isn’t needed. This will list out all job categories separated by a comma. $terms = wp_get_post_terms( $job->ID, ‘job_listing_category’ ); echo implode( ‘, ‘, wp_list_pluck( $terms, ‘name’ ) ); // Marketing, Sales, Finance, Support

All wordpress site went white blank screen

First, backup your site before you do anything. This is what I do when encounter such kind of problem: 1.Turn WP_DEBUG as true in your wp-config.php 2.Using default theme to see if the site is ok or not. 3.Deactivate all plugin to see if the site is ok or not. 4.Activate the plugins one by … Read more

Find out last 7 days of upload images, last week uploaded image from Gallery and display them in different pages

Here I’ve written a function for you- function the_dramatist_get_post_by_time_range( $args=”” ) { $date_query = array(); if ( $args === ‘last 7 days’) { $date_query = array( ‘after’ => ‘1 week ago’ ); } else { $month_ini = new DateTime(“first day of last month”); $month_end = new DateTime(“last day of last month”); $date_query = array( array( … Read more

How do I access post_meta key with php?

According to docs (, it should be something like: <?php if(!get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), ‘buy_status’, true)): ?> display: block; <?php else: ?> display: none; <?php endif; ?>

Make a script work within a page

I think both external CSS & JavaScript files should be added to your active theme functions.php file into function which implements action wp_enqueue_scripts. It should looks like example code below: <?php // … function themename_enqueue_scripts() { // … wp_enqueue_style(‘themename-slider-style’, ‘//’, false ); wp_enqueue_script(‘themename-slider-js’, ‘//’, array(‘jquery’) ); // … } add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘themename_enqueue_scripts’ );

Remove &nbsp from the_excerpt

I’m not sure why there’s a non-breaking space being added to the front of your excerpt. It would be best to find out what is putting that there. But in the meantime, you can add this to your theme functions.php ( or a simple plugin ) and it should take care of it. //* Remove … Read more

product description text displays above website when in shop page [closed]

Your product descriptions contain html code which is inserted into description meta tags without proper escaping. The resulting meta tags look like this: <meta property=”og:description” content=”<p class=”p1″>100% Natural Anti-Ageing Face Cream with Marine Collagen, Elastin &amp; Essential Proteins – Anti-Wrinkle Cream to Repair, Restore, Rebuild &amp; Rejuvenate Skin</p>” /> The problematic part is <p class=”p1″> … Read more

Calling function in loop causes repeat data

first of all, you could delete the return $ranking += 1; and replace by $ranking += 1;. We don’t know what happend in the template-parts/content, but don’t forget to add a little <?php wp_reset_postdata(); ?> just after your endwhile;.