How to execute a https GET request from java
I developed a solution which looks easier that what has been posted here
I developed a solution which looks easier that what has been posted here
this might work, give it a shot. $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); // Set so curl_exec returns the result instead of outputting it. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // Get the response and close the channel. $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); for more info, check
Python 2.x: Note: HTTPS support is only available if the socket module was compiled with SSL support. Python 3.x: Note HTTPS support is only available if Python was compiled with SSL support (through the ssl module). To verify if SSL is enabled, try:
I think this is due to the connection established with the client machine is not secure. It is due to the fact that you are talking to an HTTP server, not an HTTPS server. Probably you didn’t use the correct port number for HTTPS.
What I eventually used was this: To generate a keystore: See also here. Potentially storepass and keypass might be different, in which case the ks.load and kmf.init must use storepass and keypass, respectively.
Just had the same problem. Tumblr updated their Encryption policies. If you’re a theme developer and you’d like to ensure your themes support HTTPS, make sure that any externally hosted resources, such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) or Javascript files, and even images, are served using HTTPS. As we now know that Tumblr requires that we … Read more
Option 1: Disable the warning (useful for dev) From your question I’m guessing you are doing this in development as you are using a self signed certificate for SSL communication. If that’s the case, add as an environment variable wherever you are running node or running node directly with This instructs Node to allow untrusted … Read more
if you’re using a self signed certificate on the server, you can use: but be aware that then it’s no better than using non SSL connection to the server, as your communication won’t be secure anymore, enabling all sorts of man in the middle attacks. Though my advice to you is to download the .pem from the … Read more
i m trying to send post request to webservice.. when i add special character @ in parameter it is coverted to %40.i have checked server side..they are getting %40 instead of @. can any one help me?? here is my code.. i have also tried this method to prevent my parameter from encoding. but it … Read more
TLS/SSL (The S in HTTPS) guarantees that there are no eavesdroppers between you and the server you are contacting, i.e. no proxies. Normally, you use CONNECT to open up a TCP connection through the proxy. In this case, the proxy will not be able to cache, read, or modify any requests/responses, and therefore be rather useless. If … Read more