Return raw image proxy for wordpress plugin

I circumvented the issue with the following hack of images.php. <?php // Import wordpress API. require_once(‘../../../wp-load.php’); function hinews_get_image($id) { if (array_key_exists(‘mimetype’, $_GET)) { $mimetype = $_GET[‘mimetype’]; } else { return ‘No MIME type specified.’; } $options = get_option(‘homeinfo_news_options’); $parm_token = ‘?access_token=’ . $options[‘token’]; $base_url=””; $image_url = $base_url . $id . $parm_token; $image = file_get_contents($image_url); if … Read more

WordPress is not loading resources

You probably have to set your Site Settings to https:// instead of http:// either through the admin screen, or the wp-config.php. Failing to do so will cause WordPress to output the resources as non-secure, and your browser will reject them.