When is it OK to create a custom table for a plugin? [duplicate]
Never. The only exception is if none of the WP tables structure in terms of indexing meets your needs, but that is very very rare.
Never. The only exception is if none of the WP tables structure in terms of indexing meets your needs, but that is very very rare.
I wouldn’t advise you to use BuddyPress if you don’t have a specific use for any of the special features that are offered by BuddyPress. From what I’ve seen from the BuddyPress core is, that it doesn’t change any core existing WP functions. So I don’t believe that BuddyPress actually changes the handling of user_meta. … Read more
Database structure for thousands of posts
Found the solution: It can be turned off: add_filter( ‘big_image_size_threshold’, ‘__return_false’ ); More: here
I don’t think there is a reliable way you can do this as to access your pictures via the web they need to be within in your websites root director, however you could probably work with symbolic links to the other hard drive but I would not recommend this
Bulk Image Resize for Media Library, but for ENLARGING instead of Shrinking
Maximum image width/height?
You can add your own named image size by adding code to your functions.php. Something in the line of add_theme_support(‘post-thumbnails’);//might not be necessary add_image_size(‘front-end-150’, 300, 300); Now you should be able to use in your catch_that_image() wp_get_attachment_image($post->ID, ‘front-end-150′) for all newly uploaded images. Your past images don’t have the front-end-150, so you might want to … Read more
WordPress certainly can scale. WordPress.com alone served 14.6 billion pages last month. The key is that they had hundreds of servers so that they can widely distribute the load. Since they have a more tightly controlled platform, which helps them ensure that they don’t have badly written code slowing things down. But in the end, … Read more
There are two alternatives store the caching on an NFS “drive” put a caching proxy before your instances and forget about stupid caching plugins. Variation on 2 is to use a CDN like cloudflair to do the caching.