How can I clone/copy all fields (post and meta) from parent CPT post to child (with synced fields?)
How can I clone/copy all fields (post and meta) from parent CPT post to child (with synced fields?)
How can I clone/copy all fields (post and meta) from parent CPT post to child (with synced fields?)
Automatically synchronizing content between two WordPress installations with different themes and plugins
I think the answer is easy: if the block does not have an ‘unsynced’ post meta associate with it, this means that is a synced pattern. Look at the format of the json file of two exported patterns, a synced and a non synced and you will see the same: a non synced has this … Read more
Dev instance replaced my prod instance automatically – what would cause this?
Are shortcodes now allowed in synced blocks?
Smooth Scrolling Animation of Image Between Two Containers (Elementor) Using JavaScript and GSAP
Welcome to WPSE. Asking for plugin recommendations is considered off-topic here, so here’s an action approach to the problem. wp_insert_user() takes care of adding new users to the database. The last action the function fires is user_register, which “Fires immediately after a new user is registered”. You could hook your function to this action and … Read more
Generally speaking, only the site users should make modifications to the DB. As a developers, if the is some part of the DB that should be changed, you should write the changes in code. Maybe do some “upgrade” type of function which synchronizes DB structure to what the current code expects, and remove it before … Read more
Take a look at the FeedWordPress plugin, I’ve used this on one client site to aggregate feeds from their other sites and republish the latest post from each site. The UI is a bit complex and unfriendly, but it does the job.
What OS you running? As this actually sounds like an AWS php sdk issue. Having a look though their source code shows they don’t seem to use fclose and your OS must have a limit on open files. If you email me at iain.cambridge – at – I’ll send you a copy of the … Read more