500 internal server error

Your site codereflect.com is not that heavy. Could be the Suffusion theme and its options making lots of DB calls. I’d use http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/debug-queries/ to see what queries are being called and how many. And it also could be you’re on a shared box at softlayer that is “too” shared with others.

Copying wordpress to another server breaks it on original server

If you didn’t hand-change the wpurl in the dev database, what probably happened is that you entered your url, and WP made a 301 redirect to the live site. Then, without realizing it, you changed the url config in your live site. To make it work: Put this in your wp-config.php define(‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘http://your-wp-url.com’); define(‘WP_HOME’, ‘http://your-wp-url.com’); … Read more

Why is save_post hook not running?

Try this in your theme’s functions.php file, or a .php file of a plugin that you may be writing: add_action(‘save_post’, ‘xxx_save_meta_box’); function xxx_meta_box_callback() { add_meta_box(‘xxx-meta’,’xxx Details’,’xxx_meta_box’,’xxx-post-type’,’side’,’default’); error_log(‘meta box cb’); } function xxx_save_meta_box($post_id, $post) { error_log(‘running …’); die(‘OK!!!’); }

Why does the custom HTML block not preserve the HTML characters?

This is caused by wptexturize and the use of a standard <div> to contain your code. See https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wptexturize/ Instead, markup code as code: Text enclosed in the tags <pre>, <code>, <kbd>, <style>, <script>, and <tt> will be skipped. This list of tags can be changed with the no_texturize_tags filter. Note that the HTML block just … Read more

Forgot password not working

Probably you dont have any mail server installed/enabled (like sendmail/qmail/postfix) in your local machine. You can still reset your admin password from database. The table “wp_users” stores the password in the “user_pass” field You can just replace the value with a md5 hash value of your desired password for the admin user. Note: This is … Read more

How do I change the description of the same image which is to be found in multiple instances?

Plugin idea #1 When we insert an image into the editor, the plugin automatically modifies the caption and the alt attribute to: Then on the front-end the image caption is fetched for the corresponding image attachment, based on the attachment_729 string and replaces the ###ALT### and ###CAPTION### dummy values. So when we want to modify … Read more