template_redirect hooks redirect wrong URL

The code adds the functions like this:

add_action ('template_redirect', array( 'loginForm', 'set_submit_login_func'));

Which tells PHP to do this when template_redirect happens:


But we can see set_submit_login_func in the questions code and it is clear that it is not a static function:

public function set_submit_login_func(){

What you want is a dynamic callable, e.g.

class MyClass {
    public function test() { }

$obj = new MyClass();
add_action( '...', array( $obj, 'test' ) );

Where array( $obj, 'test' ) is the same as $obj->test(). Notice that the first parameter is the object to call the function on, not the name of the class.

I strongly recommend reading about how to use PHP callables to understand this better: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.callable.php