Does a custom WordPress theme require updates to it’s source code?

Yes, a custom WordPress theme may require updates to its source code over time. As WordPress core updates and evolves, there may be changes that affect the functionality or compatibility of the theme. Additionally, if the theme uses any third-party libraries or plugins, updates to those dependencies may also require changes to the theme’s code. … Read more

How to set the margin on an innerBlock in a block variation?

If we create a paragraph and give it a margin of 2 ( default settings no custom scales or theme.json ) then we get this: <!– wp:paragraph {“style”:{“spacing”:{“margin”:{“top”:”var:preset|spacing|30″,”right”:”var:preset|spacing|30″,”bottom”:”var:preset|spacing|30″,”left”:”var:preset|spacing|30″}}}} –> <p style=”margin-top:var(–wp–preset–spacing–30);margin-right:var(–wp–preset–spacing–30);margin-bottom:var(–wp–preset–spacing–30);margin-left:var(–wp–preset–spacing–30)”>stuff</p> <!– /wp:paragraph –> It sounds reasonable to extract var(–wp–preset–spacing–30) from the style attribute but this wouldn’t be right, as that’s generated HTML. Instead we … Read more

Full site editing templates folder vs block-templates

After some more checking, I found the issue. The repo I was setting up, was a template that will be used by other sites, so I saved it in a folder called templates (Full path: /Users/bas/git/work/templates/wp). In the wp-includes/block-template-utils.php the name/slug of the template is decided with the following code. $template_slug = substr( $template_file, // … Read more

WordPress Two Level Filters on Getting Custom Taxonomy Terms

It doesn’t make any sense querying with get_terms when: genre=”action” AND quality = ‘HD’ The reason is: The only term that has taxonomy genre equals to action, is action. And the only term that has taxonomy quality equals to HD, is HD. If you constrain them with AND, then basically you have nothing. Since there’s … Read more

Return the_content() with custom div class for a subset of posts

This can be done in multiple different ways. For example: 1. Using the_content filter hook: Use the_content filter hook to wrap the output of the_content() function call with your required div. You may try the following CODE in your theme’s functions.php file or in a custom plugin: add_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘wpse_specific_the_content’ ); function wpse_specific_the_content( $content ) … Read more

Is there any filter or action hook to remove layout classes from appearing in my templates?

You may use the following code (either in your active theme’s functions.php file or in a custom plugin): // This line is preferably be added to your theme’s functions.php file // with other add_theme_support() function calls. add_theme_support( ‘disable-layout-styles’ ); // These two lines will probably not be necessary eventually remove_filter( ‘render_block’, ‘wp_render_layout_support_flag’, 10, 2 ); … Read more