translating wordpress with poedit

Take a closer look at next_post_link and previous_post_link. Specifically; how the function arguments are arranged.

Next, take a closer look at translating strings; and how the function arguments are arranged.

Now, when you put the two together; you should have something like this:

<?php previous_post_link( '<span class="meta-nav"> %link </span>', __( '&#9668; Previous','twentyten'), TRUE ); ?>


<?php next_post_link( '<span class="meta-nav"> %link </span>', __( 'Next &#9658;', 'twentyten'), TRUE ); ?>

The first argument of next_post_link and previous_post_link is the html structure to display; the second argument is the string of text to use; the third argument is used to determine if you are staying within the same taxonomy when going back and forth.

Regarding the __() translation function; the first argument is the text string to be translated; and the second argument is the text domain (although this can vary depending on which localization function is being used).