trying to determine if meta value exists for user and if not auto submit gravity form to redirect

Your <?php/?> tags are aligned such that none of your actual PHP code is being interpreted as PHP code (except the is_page ('1150') conditional) – it’s actually just printing it all into your markup, including the <script> element. So since it’s not running the logic to check the user or the user meta-data, the script element is always there.

I’d simplify it all like this:

if( is_page( '1150' ) ) {
  $current_user_id = get_current_user_id();

  if( $current_user_id > 0 ) {
    $permission = get_user_meta( $current_user_id, 'pro_status_confirmed_true' , true );

    if( empty( $permission ) ) {
      <script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('form#gform_190').trigger('submit');});</script>

If all submitting this form does is instantly redirect “non-pro” status users however, you may want to read up on performing the redirect using wp_redirect(). This is more efficient than printing a script element, and also more secure – in printing a script element to redirect “unauthorized” users, they still load the page body – if the script is meant to keep them off that page, a user could still find the page in their browser cache, prevent the redirect, or simply disable JavaScript in order to circumvent the check. Redirecting using wp_redirect() before content is sent to the client will also be somewhat faster.