Update Data parameter of a wp_localize_script() call

wp_localize_script results in your data being printed to the page before your script tag via PHP, whether it be in wp_head or wp_footer, depending on where you’ve set your script to be output. Calling wp_localize_script from an AJAX handler won’t do anything, you’re returning data via JavaScript.

What you can do is put any data you want to return from your AJAX handler in a json object with wp_send_json, including the new value you want to use in place of ajaxload.post_id. You’ll then have access to that data in your success function where you can update the value of ajaxload.post_id.


In your AJAX handler:

$response = array(
    'post_id' => $next_key,
    'something_else' => 'some other data'
wp_send_json( $response );

In your JS:

   type: 'post',
   data: {
      action: 'ajax_load',
      post_id: ajaxload.post_id
   success:function( data ) {
      var result = $.parseJSON( data );
      ajaxload.post_id = result.post_id;