WordPress SQL injection

The insert method of $wpdb already scapes the data taking care of SQL injection. What you should worry about is about data sanitization and validation.

For exmpla:


What type of data do you accept in $votes? A integer value? If so, be sure $votes contains a integer value. You cuold do it, for exmaple, using intval function from PHP. This is sanitization.

$votes = intval( $votes );

What type of data do you accept in $competition? Any string with no HTML, tabs or line breaks, ? If so, be sure $competition contains a string value, strip HTML tags and remove tabs and line break; you could do it, for exmaple, using sanitize_text_field function from WordPress. This is also sanitization.

$competition = sanitize_text_field( $competition );

Data validation

What value do you accept in $votes? From 0 to 100, including both? If so, you could check the value of $votes:

if( $votes >= 0 && $votes <= 100 ) {

    // Value is correct

} else {

    // Value is not correct. Maybe abort the process?


Do you have a list of valid competitions? Check the value of $competition against it:

$valid_competitions = array( 'competition1', 'competition2', 'competition3' );

if( in_array( $competition, $valid_competitions ) ) {

    // Value is correct

} else {

    // Value is not correct. Maybe abort the process?


Do the same process with $uid.

Once you have santize and validate your variables, you are ready to pass them to $wpdb->insert method like this (with the third parameter performs a basic sanitization, you can avoid previous sanitization if this is enough for your situation):

         'votes'       => $votes,
         'competition' => $competition,
         'uid'         => $uid
          '%d', // integer data type for $votes
          '%s', // string data type for $competition
          '%d', // integer data type for $uid