wp_dropdown_categories() works correctly but the list is not filtered in admin for custom post type. What is the problem?

Do I need to run new WP_Query() and rebuild the HTML table?

No, you absolutely do not need to! And actually, you don’t even need to hook on parse_query (which BTW, is an action and not a filter).

All you need to do is set your categories dropdown’s name to the taxonomy name/slug, which you’ve already done so, and set the value_field argument to slug, and then WordPress will automatically filter the posts based on the selected banner_cat term.

So just remove the entire add_filter('parse_query', ...) part from your code, and set the value_field like so:

    'show_option_all' => get_taxonomy($tax)->label,
    'taxonomy'        => $tax,
    'name'            => $tax,   // use the taxonomy name/slug
    'orderby'         => 'name',
    'order'           => 'DESC',
    'selected'        => $selected,
    'hide_empty'      => false,
    'hierarchical'    => true,
    'value_field'     => 'slug', // set to 'slug'