add button to tinymce

Your method is complex… Here is simplest function to add BUTTON in TinyMCE:

(insert this code in funcitons.php):

add_action('admin_init', function() {
   if (current_user_can('edit_posts')  &&  get_user_option('rich_editing') == 'true') {
        add_filter('mce_buttons_2', 'register_buttonfirst');
        add_filter('mce_external_plugins', 'add_pluginfirst');
function register_buttonfirst($buttons) {  array_push($buttons, "|", "shortcode_button1" );   return $buttons;}
function add_pluginfirst($plugin_array) {$plugin_array['MyPuginButtonTag'] =  plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ).'My_js_folder/1_button.php';return $plugin_array;}
add_filter( 'tiny_mce_version', 'my_refresh_mceeee1');  function my_refresh_mceeee1($ver) {$ver += 3;return $ver;}

2) Create 1_button.php in target folder and insert this code (note, change “wp-load” and “ButtonImage.png” urls!!!)

header("Content-type: application/javascript");
(function() {
    // START my customs
    var abcd;

    tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.shortcodebuton_plugin2', {  
        init            : function(ed, this_folder_url)
                    // -------------------------
                    ed.addButton('shortcode_button1', {  
                        title : 'Show Level1 count',  
                        image : this_folder_url + '/ButtonImage.png',
                        onclick : function() {  
                            var vidId = prompt("YouTube Video", "BLABLABLA");
                            ed.selection.setContent(vidId );  
                            //ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, 'vidId');


        createControl   : function(n, cm) {     return null;  }, 
    tinymce.PluginManager.add('MyPuginButtonTag', tinymce.plugins.shortcodebuton_plugin2);  

*p.s. before you click a button from editor TOOLBAR, at first, you may need to click cursor inside a post editor, otherwise your button may not work.

(for CUSTOM HTML popup, instead of simple prompt, see this example: )