Change the color of post title on specific tags

I’m not aware of any way to do this without editing code.

I wrote a PHP function which will wrap your post titles in a with the class “hastag-{tag-slug}”. You can put this in your theme’s functions.php file and then use the_title_with_tags() instead of the_title() in your theme templates.

function the_title_with_tags() {
    //get all tags on this post
    $tags = get_the_tags();
    if ($tags) {
        //store tag slugs in an array
        $classlist = array();
        foreach($tags as $tag) {
            $classlist[] = 'hastag-'.$tag->slug;
        //print the title with tags as CSS classes
        the_title( '<span class="'. implode($classlist, ' ') .'">' , '</span>' );
    else {

And the you can add the styling rules to your CSS:

.hastag-football {
    color: red;
.hastag-baseball {
    color: yellow;

I think that’s cleaner than inline styling.