Creating a search with tag variable also added for more detailed results

Add a new input to the form, the name is key, you can easily access query vars that match a paremeter supporter by WP_Query using the function get_query_var.

For example, you could try to generate an URL like this:,4-personas

And with get_query_var(tag), you get the values, and the you create a custom WP_Query using that parameters.

$query = new WP_Query(
    's' => get_query_var('s'), 
    'tag' => get_query_var('tag')
) );

One thing you have to take into account is that can’t have the same parameter twice in the URL, well, you can, but you can’t use the get_query_var function to get the value.

You can use jQuery to get the selected options from a select element with the multipleattribute, and pass the selection to an input with the name “tag”, there are other workarounds for this.

The query wont affect performance that much.

I hope this gives you and idea of what to do.