Display ACF field only if value is greater than 0

I see you’ve found your own answer, but I wanted to offer some advice for making your code a little more succinct.

// Different versions of a number
$unformatted  = get_field('paid_attendance');
$cleaned      = str_replace(',', '', $unformatted);  // Remove commas from string
$integerValue = absint( $cleaned );                 // Convert to absolute integer.
$floatValue   = number_format($cleaned, 2); // Apply number format.
// Note that number_format returns a string, so if you want
// an actual float, call floatval _now_:
$floatValue = floatval( $floatValue );

if ( 0 < $integerValue ) {
    echo $integerValue;

So, a few things to unpack here:

  • You can use the “cleaned” (comma-removed) string for getting both your integer and float
  • absint is a WordPress function that will convert a value to an absolute integer.
  • number_format returns a string, so calling it after floatval or intval was superfluous.
  • Your initial if statement didn’t do anything, so you can omit it.
  • You’re better off checking the $integerValue as it’s an int instead of $unformatted or $cleaned since you’re doing a numeric comparison.
    • Suppose $unformatted were the string ‘a’. In PHP, zero is not less than ‘a’:
php > var_dump( 0 < 'a' );