Hide posts having children terms when display posts by category in edit.php

By default when you run a query for a hierarchical taxonomy term, WordPress also returns post from its children. This happen on backend and on frontend as well.

'tax_query' argument has an argument 'include_children' that was introduced for the scope, from Codex:

include_children (boolean) Whether or not to include children for hierarchical taxonomies.
Defaults to true.

So you should run a tax query to set that param to false, however is not possible run a tax query from a url, but you can act on 'pre_get_posts' and set it.

See inline comments for further informations:

add_action('pre_get_posts', function( $query ) {
  if ( // being sure the query is the right one
    ! is_admin() || ! $query->is_main_query()
    || ! ( $term = $query->get('ttc_catalogue') )
  ) return;
  // being sure the page is the right one
  $s = get_current_screen();
  if ( $s->id !== 'edit-ttc_infobit' ) return; 
  // prepare tax query
  $tax_query = array(
    'taxonomy' => 'ttc_catalogue',
    'terms' => array( $term ),
    'field' => is_numeric( $term ) ? 'id' : 'slug',
    'include_children' => FALSE
  // set tax query
  $query->set( 'tax_query', array( $tax_query ) );
  // unset 'plain' ttc_catalogue argument
  $query->set( 'ttc_catalogue', '' );