How do I hide a term from non-admin users in get_the_term_list?

Currently we can not pass user_ID or user_role to wp_list_category() function, So it is not possible unless you use filter to do this, that is bit complicated so here I has a solution that does exact what you want without using filter.

if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
    /* A user with admin privileges */
    wp_list_categories(); ?
} else {
    /* A user without admin privileges */
    wp_list_categories('exclude=4');  // 4 is id of category you'd like to hide

Update –

I think using the get_category() function will be good idea, First grab all the categories as array and then show them as required.

        $categories = get_categories();
        if(!current_user_can( 'manage_options' )) {
            $exclude = 4; // category ID to hide from non admin
        } else {

        foreach ( $categories as $cat ) {
            if($cat->term_id != $exclude) {
                echo '<li>'.$cat->name.'</li>';