How to make Bootstrap Panel body with fixed height

You can use max-height in an inline style attribute, as below:

<div class="panel panel-primary">
  <div class="panel-heading">jhdsahfjhdfhs</div>
  <div class="panel-body" style="max-height: 10;">fdoinfds sdofjohisdfj</div>

To use scrolling with content that overflows a given max-height, you can alternatively try the following:

<div class="panel panel-primary">
  <div class="panel-heading">jhdsahfjhdfhs</div>
  <div class="panel-body" style="max-height: 10;overflow-y: scroll;">fdoinfds sdofjohisdfj</div>

To restrict the height to a fixed value you can use something like this.

<div class="panel panel-primary">
  <div class="panel-heading">jhdsahfjhdfhs</div>
  <div class="panel-body" style="min-height: 10; max-height: 10;">fdoinfds sdofjohisdfj</div>

Specify the same value for both max-height and min-height (either in pixels or in points – as long as it’s consistent).

You can also put the same styles in css class in a stylesheet (or a style tag as shown below) and then include the same in your tag. See below:

Style Code:

.fixed-panel {
  min-height: 10;
  max-height: 10;
  overflow-y: scroll;

Apply Style :

<div class="panel panel-primary">
  <div class="panel-heading">jhdsahfjhdfhs</div>
  <div class="panel-body fixed-panel">fdoinfds sdofjohisdfj</div>

Hope this helps with your need.

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