The simplest way to create identical websites on different domains is to use the plugin Multiple Domain. This allows you to have a single WP install with one database serving two domains.
Next step is to copy this DB to a Chinese server, where create a script to copy DB and files from the main server outside of China. It should contain something as follows:
echo -e "\nSyncing database..."
ssh -i "$KEY_FILE" "$REMOTE_DOMAIN" "cd $REMOTE_PATH > /dev/null&&/user/bin/wp db export /tmp/wp.sql > /dev/null"
scp -i "$KEY_FILE" $REMOTE_DOMAIN:/tmp/wp.sql wp.sql
ssh -i "$KEY_FILE" $REMOTE_DOMAIN "rm /tmp/wp.sql"
echo -e "Done."
echo -e "\nImporting database..."
wp --allow-root --quiet db import wp.sql
echo -e "Done."
rm wp.sql
echo -e "\nSyncing uploads..."
rsync -ase "ssh -i $KEY_FILE" --exclude "*backwpup*/*" $REMOTE_DOMAIN:"$REMOTE_PATH"/wp-content/uploads/* "$LOCAL_PATH"/wp-content/uploads
echo -e "Done."
This script can be executed by cron every 5 min, for instance.