Multisite list all pages in site

You did a good job writing your own query to get all the sites/blogs, but there’s also a special WordPress function you can use: wp_get_sites()

If you want to get content from another site/blog you have to switch first with switch_to_blog() to make sure your query will run within the right context. (And don’t forget to switch back to normal with restore_current_blog() afterwards!)

Having that said, I updated your snippet accordingly, so you can give it a try:

<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
  <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
    <li class="portalHome">
      <a href="">
        <i class="fa fa-home"></i>
        <i class="fa fa-chevron-right pull-right chervonMobNav"></i>

  $args = array(
    'public' => 1 // limit to public sites
  $sites = wp_get_sites( $args );
  $current = get_current_blog_id(); // current blog id

  foreach ( $sites as $site ) :

    $site_meta = get_blog_details( $site['blog_id'] );
    $current_class = $site['blog_id'] == $current ? ' current' : ''; // check for current site

    echo '<li class="menu-item' . $current_class .'" >';
    echo '<a href="' . $site_meta->siteurl . '">' . $site_meta->blogname . ' <i class="fa fa-chevron-right pull-right chervonMobNav"></i></a>';

      if ( $site['blog_id'] == 4 ) : // check for special site
        switch_to_blog( 4 ); // now switch to this site

          $pages_args = array(
            'title_li' => '',
            'depth' => 0
          echo '<ul>';
          wp_list_pages( $pages_args );
          echo '</ul>';

        restore_current_blog(); // switch back to normal

    echo '</li>';


</div><!--/.nav-collapse -->