Output JSON object with woocommerce products

I don’t know if you still need this, but maybe someone else will.

WooCommerce already has a REST API that’s very flexible.

For your request you can simply create a API Key and use it to interogate the whole list of products.

Since newest products beeing added with higher ID’s they should see the latest products in the feed in real-time (carefull with the requests, it can break your server if you do too many).

Here is how you create the keys in order to authenticate the feed then following this example you can list all the products.

Finally you should have an URL like this:

The consumer_key and consumer_secret gets replaced with the ones you generated in the WordPress Admin and the domain changes to yours.

Please do keep in mind that for this to work you need the REST API Enabled WooCommerce > Settings > API, usually this option comes checked by default.