x86 cmpl and jne

Cmpl subtracts -0x10(%ebp) from $0x7 and modifies flags: AF CF OF PF SF ZF. If memory at -0x10(%ebp) equals immediate 0x7 then the flag ZF is set. This is below EBP so it’s probably a local variable, if this is an un-optimized build using EBP as a frame pointer. jne 80484db means that if the two compared numbers are different … Read more

Python: Array v. List

Use lists unless you want some very specific features that are in the C array libraries. python really has three primitive data structures More on data structures here: http://docs.python.org/tutorial/datastructures.html

Union of two lists in Python

Perform a union, keeping repetition: Perform a union, keeping repetition & order: Perform an union, no repetition in each list, but repetition allowed in final union, and keeped order: After clarification of the question, the goal is to build a list that take elements (including repetition) of, and then add elements of b if they … Read more

Reactjs this.setState is not a function error

You need to bind this.showProfile in the component constructor this.showProfile = this.showProfile.bind(this) More detail about this on the Handling Events page of the React doc : https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/handling-events.html