Presentation vs Content in WP DB-Tables

Is there a clean separation between the WP tables involved with
presentation vs content?

I would say “no”. There is no clean separation. There is mostly-separation. Most of your content is in the post and taxonomy tables, and most of your presentation is the options table. But you also have things like sticky post IDs in the options table, which is borderline content vs presentation, and you have widget data, including the widget content where applicable, in the options table which is definitely content, or definitely in my opinion anyway.

There are other questionable cases as well, such as the blog description. It is in the options table but is it content or presentation? Hard to say. It is static across themes but seems like content to me. And that is not to get into to what various plugins might store in the various tables.

In short, I would not count on a clean content vs presentation demarcation in the tables. There is a lot of separation, but I would not call it “clean”.

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