Pulling a parameter out of the URL of a WP link without “?” or being sent to a different page

Supposing you have a page created with the slug “referral”, you can add another segment to the page URL containing the employee ref number like this:

1- Register a new query variable e.g “employee_ref”

add_filter('query_vars', function ($query_vars){
    $query_vars[] = 'employee_ref';
    return $query_vars;

2- Using add_rewrite_rule function, add a new rule for the ’employee_ref’ to be equal to the last numeric segment of the page URL:

add_action('init', function (){

3- Go to permalinks setting page on your WordPress dashboard and hit the “Save Changes” button to flush the rewrite rules–a mandatory step–.

4- The referral link now will look like “https://yourdomain.com/referral/345/”, where “345” is the employee ref number and you can catch it in PHP using:


The code used in the first two steps can be placed inside your theme’s functions.php or a plugin file.

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