This type of ordering is not available by default. You however have two basic options here
-> Rerun the loop multiple times and userewind_posts()
to rewind the loop so you can rerun it again
if ( have_posts() ) {
while( have_posts() ) {
if ( $post->post_type == 'books' ) {
// Output books posts
} // end first while loop
rewind_posts(); // rewind loop so we can rerun it
while( have_posts() ) { // Start second while loop
if ( $post->post_type == 'cities' ) {
// Output cities posts
} // end second while loop
rewind_posts(); // rewind loop so we can rerun it
// Run your third while loop for blog posts
} // End your if statement
- The second method is to use
and thethe_posts
filter to sort your posts accordingle before the loop is run.
(This goes into your functions.php)
add_filter( 'the_posts', function( $posts, $q )
if( $q->is_main_query() // Targets the main query only
&& $q->is_search() // Only targets the search page
) {
usort( $posts, function( $a, $b )
$post_types = array ( // Set your post type order here
'books' => 1,
'cities' => 2,
'post' => 3
$posts = $post_types[$a->post_type] - $post_types[$b->post_type];
if ($posts === 0) {
//same post_type, compare by post_date.
return $a->post_date < $b->post_date;
//different post_type, save to ignore the post_date.
return $posts;
} );
return $posts;
10, 2 );