Inconsistent bloginfo information

First thing I noticed is that your secondary pages link to images using a URL like: whereas your home page uses: Not sure this helps, but perhaps this will help someone else figure out what is going on. Are you sure that the home page is being loaded from WordPress?

CSS images don’t show up with bloginfo

If your style.css is in /wp-content/themes/themedirectory, and your image is at /wp-content/themes/themedirectory/images/image.jpg, then your css will be this: background-image: url(“images/image.jpg”); You can’t use php in a css file, it will not parse unless included via php (instead of with <link>).

Bloginfo hook – can it be more precise?

You can access that, using the additional variable in the Filter Functions. The Filter bloginfo_url uses the $show parameter (the parameter you use when calling bloginfo) and passes it to apply_filters. So hooking into bloginfo_url should be no problem, you just have to make a switch inside the function, and it only applies to e.g. … Read more

How to make title for home to be News, but if page has parent then its name else just post/page name

Put this in your functions.php: function my_title() { if (is_home()) echo ‘News’; else { global $post; if ($post->post_parent) echo get_post($post->post_parent)->post_title; else echo $post->post_title; } } // function my_title and then use <?php my_title(); ?> anywhere you want. The above code prints News on the home page, for child posts the name of their respective parent, … Read more

How to set base url for php widget

You are using paths relative to the current directory. Try this (untested) echo “$i. <option value=”” . home_url(“/groundfish-meetings/’ . $file) . “‘>$file</option>”;