Chrome Dev Tools console says every page in my blog has link to [closed]

Its definitely being hooked into wp_head(), probably with wp_enqueue_scripts(). To find the culprit: First, deactivate your theme, use a twentyx theme instead. Then refresh the front end and check the source code again. If it’s gone: its your theme. To find where its being called from in your theme, search your theme directory /socrates4/ for … Read more

Does heavy theme and plugins affect server’s response time? [closed]

You’ve touched on a few things here, and there’s both the server and the frontend response time that you’re battling with. You might have issues with both. It’s worth noting firstly that PageSpeed (and the style recalcuating alert in the Chrome timeline) both deal with front-end aspects only – in slightly different ways though (another … Read more

How can I say if a URL is a post, page, or taxonomy archive?

WordPress sites usually use body_class(), which adds CSS classes to the <body> tag. If you inspect the body element itself, most sites will show you something like <body class=”page-template page-template-tpl-events page-template-tpl-events-php page page-id-1168 page-parent page-child parent-pageid-378″> You can tell from these classes that this is a Page, using a Page Template, it is a Parent, … Read more

Header’s CSS doesn’t work in Chrome and Opera – any ideas how to fix it?

Try this change to CSS. Replace: .site-title a img{ padding-bottom:8px; padding-top:8px; height:50px; } with: .site-title a img { padding-bottom: 8px; padding-top: 8px; height: 50px; position: relative; z-index: 9; } { margin-left: 130px; } Explanation Adding margin-left: 130px; to first menu item, will move the menu, visually, to the right, away from GMNG image. The … Read more