Does webp images not shows on ios
Does webp images not shows on ios
Does webp images not shows on ios
IOS Ventura Safari 16.3 position fixed elements goes above scroll bar
I figured out that the images needed to be in the directory where the “core” wp folders are, ie. the public_html, or in whatever sub-directory that contains the wp-admin, wp-includes, wp-content, etc. I had been placing them in the theme root and nothing was happening. Moved them to the public_html and they started showing up! … Read more
Download user generated data from WordPress
hmm this is called responsive web design. Being responsive doesn’t mean the UI has to be 100% the same. Have your JS detect that you are in webview, maybe via user agent, and then set some appropriate class on the body element. design your webview design around that class.
Not sure how dramatic this’ll be, but it should improve nontheless: <?php /** * You can try forcibly splitting the query (grabbing IDs *then* all fields) * Works well for large post results. (available WP 3.4+) */ add_filter( ‘split_the_query’, ‘__return_true’ ); $posts = get_posts( array( ‘post_type’ => ‘listings’, ‘posts_per_page’ => -1, /* Disable term caching … Read more
different solutions use the rss or atom-feed (each is xml) and parse it; has always fast and sure the post and data inside; easy to use with different langugage, all frameworks has implement for parse xml. use the xmlrpc interface; but is optional in WP and you must read the documentation for the API scan … Read more
MP4 video on wordpress working on desktop, not on mobile devices
To stay logged in WP based webapps on iOS devices you simply have to log in and click the remember me option on your webapp wp-login.php page in Mobile Safari at least once.
OMG, finally, as the code runs from the plugin, the current working directory is set to wp-admin whereas when i run it manually it set for /wp-content/plugins… So, when the push function is called, just add the following line of code: chdir(ABSPATH . ‘wp-content/plugins/*your plugins folder name*/’);