Replacing static code in a template file with a sidebar and widgets?

To speak generally, you need to define a sidebar for your theme (sidebars contain widgets) and display that sidebar in your template. In your theme’s functions.php file, register a dynamic sidebar using register_sidebar() Create a sidebar.php file in your theme directory that calls dynamic_sidebar() Make sure your other template files (or header.php/footer.php if that is … Read more

ReadWriteWeb-like sidebar scrolling

Its from scrollspy in Twitter Bootstrap. Look at RWW javascript file for inspiration on how you might apply it to your sidebar div id. As well as the bootstrap docs. Kind of hard to make it into a plugin since you don’t know what html classes or ids a give websites sidebar will be using.

Add a twitter feed to my WordPress website

If you have a widget area assigned at the left hand side, then there are many plugins for the purpose: Mini Twitter Feed WD Twitter Feed Twitter Feed Widget Tweet Tweet Feed Super Simple Twitter Feed Really Simple Twitter Feed Widget Twitter Feed: Embedded Timeline WordPress Plugin Just install any of them from Plugins > … Read more