Broken thumbnails (sometimes) with TimThumb

99% of the issues I’ve had similar to this were when TimThumb simply ran out of memory. There’s usually a direct correlation between image size and memory usage. The bigger the image is, the higher the chances it will run out of memory. To get a better idea of the error, access the timthumb url … Read more

Replace TimThumb in existing WordPress Themes

You have three options here: Use the_post_thumbnail() You say you’ve already done this with one theme. This is really the best solution because it keeps everything using core code (which is frequently updated) rather than third-party libraries. Upgrade TimThumb Since the “most recent” issues, they’ve released a new version of TimThumb that corrects the security … Read more

Is file_exists() compatible with timthumb.php? [closed]

The file_exists() function is a built in php function and should work everywhere. But with the way you’re doing it, is wrong. You cannot use a query string within a php file to check if the file exists. Just because its a valid link, doesn’t mean the file_exists(). There is no file on your server … Read more

How to set thumbnail for each tag?

There are several plugins that allow you to attach images to categories/tags/taxonomy terms. Try googling taxonomy images (the last part restricts the search to the WordPress plugin repository) and you’ll find a variety of recently updated plugins, including: Taxonomy Images – Gecka Terms Thumbnails – Taxonomy Images II – SB Uploader … Read more

Using native wp image support instead of timthumb

In your theme you need to add_theme_support(‘post-thumbnails’); and then set up some add_image_size(); By doing this in your themes functions file you’ll get have support for the built in Feature images and any image sizes you set up images will be generated in the correct size. For more information on setting up images sizes the … Read more

Timthumb not working with WordPress 4.0

If folder permission are correct then it should work. Anyway try this one. And let me know how it goes. <img src=”<?php bloginfo(“stylesheet_directory’); ?>/timthumb.php?src=<?php $featured_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), ‘full’ ); echo $featured_image_url[0]; ?>&amp;h=170&amp;w=170&amp;zc=1″ alt=”<?php echo get_the_title(); ?>” />