Background color of edit post page
Background color of edit post page
Background color of edit post page
You might want to try using a Code Block instead of a Text Block.
How to jquery validate wp_editor?
Replacing a textarea in post meta with wp_editor() WordPress
How do I display and edit other posts within the ‘Edit Post’ area of Wp-Admin Dashboard
I can’t comment yet… so I will use an answer, I think you need to do it with ‘wp_insert_post_data’ filter. You can see this in line 3523 here: Your function need to have a parameter, which is an array. From there you should get the content from ‘post_content’ key. add_filter( ‘wp_insert_post_data’, ‘example’ ); function … Read more
When the WP_EDITOR button is pressed, the user is prompted to select a photo from their device
How can I modify the code generated for a PDF by the Add Media button in Classic Editor?
Having trouble customizing toolbar on wp_editor
Here is the solution: Remove the following lines of code from the functions.php wp_editor( “” , “main_text”, array()); wp_editor( “” , “invite”, array()); wp_editor( “” , “mobilemain_text”, array()); Shoutout to @aatanasov on for the solution.