How to use rowspan in WP List Table?

I extended WP_List_Table to My_Custom_List_Table class and customize My_Custom_List_Table for my purpose. Specially, function single_row_columns() and function display_rows_or_placeholder(). And, not echo some td tag for other main td tag that have rowspan. All process was not such difficult.

MySQL update text field with ‘

Apparently someplace in the wp_list_table, or maybe someplace else, the escape character \ was inserted before any ‘ . I was able to solve this by adding this line of code just before the $wpdb->update statement. $item[‘RecordedSubdivision’] = str_replace(“\'”, “‘”,$item[‘RecordedSubdivision’]);

Using wp_list_table how to trigger update function “inline”?

ok not the most handsome solution but it works i transported the update function to update.php also wp-load.php $(“.col_visitor”).click(function(){ visitorID = $(this).attr(‘id’); //alert(‘testing ‘+visitorID); $.ajax({ url: ‘update.php’, data: {action: visitorID}, type: ‘post’, success: function(output) { //alert(output); window.location.reload(); //reload so we see the updated values } }); });//#end click

Show all post types in the same table of posts [duplicate]

Yes of course, if you set the query argument ‘post_type’ to ‘any’, it will retrieve any type except revisions and types with ‘exclude_from_search’ set to true. Example: $all_posts = get_posts( array( ‘post_type’ => ‘any’ ) ); Otherwise, if you don’t want ALL post types, just certain ones: $specific_posts = get_posts( array( ‘post_type’ => array( ‘movies’, … Read more