The first few you listed are not WordPress specific, and information about them can be found as follows:
As for the WordPress specific plugins, their source code is here (trac). There are no comments, but here’s my take based on a very cursory read through:
- wordpress: seems to setup the editor with default buttons, classes, size, etc
- wpeditimage: seems to add the insert media dialog
- wpgallery: launches tb_show(“”,tinymce.documentBaseURL+”/media-upload.php?post_id=”+f+”&tab=gallery&TB_iframe=true&width=”+d+”&height=”+g) which adds the gallery dialog
- wplink: seems to add the insert link dialog
- wpdialogs: adds tinyMCEPopup js function, probably used by the other dialogs
- wpfullscreen: puts the editor in wordpress ‘distraction free’ full screen mode. Not sure why this one and the standard fullscreen plugin both exist.
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- Customer Support: TinyMCE stopped working (on some computers)
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- Adding New Row of Custom TinyMCE
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- prevent caching during tinymce custom button development
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- install tinymce plugin [closed]