WordPress has no bi/multi-language feature built in by default. Instead, by design it supports the content to be in one language (so not knowing language). Using multiple blogs for multiple languages might be a good adoption of that design.
The other road would be to extend the site with Add-Ons like plugins and themes that have multi-language features built-in.
The WordPress Documentation offers some information about Multilingual WordPress making assumptions, pro/con comparisons and plugin/theme recommendations there. This scopes alternative approaches like:
- Manage multilingual posts in one post per language
- Store all languages alternatives for each post in the same post
- Manage translations on the generated page instead of using a post context
- Plugins that direct you to external translation services
- Plugins that link together separate WordPress installations for each language by pinging back and forth
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- How to use both British and American English?
- Problem in Internationalizing a plugin built for network level usage
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- WordPress Multilingual Theme using Multisite
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