Add blog languages to blog-name inside my-site-list in admin-bar

This is a little tricky, and I don’t know if I got the best solution for this. However, it works.

The trick is, I use the same hook as you do, wp_before_admin_bar_render. In there I get all the elements, and check them if they have the parent my-sites-list.

If they do, I switch to the blog, get the language of the current blog, create the title and call restore_current_blog().

After that, I create a new admin bar item, containing all the original information but the new title, remove the old one and insert the new one right afterwards.


  • I could not find out by now if there is a way to get a blogs language without switching to it.
  • Maybe there is a filter for the generation of the admin bar menu items. It would be much better to filter those titles there than manipulating them afterwards.

The function

function f711_tweaked_admin_bar() {

    global $wp_admin_bar;
    $elements = $wp_admin_bar->get_nodes();
    foreach( $elements as $element ) {

        if ( $element->parent == 'my-sites-list' ) {

            // reduce the adminbar Id to the blog ID
            $idinteger = str_replace( 'blog-', '', $element->id );

            // Switch to the Blog, get the language option. If empty, it's English
            switch_to_blog( $idinteger );
                if ( get_option( 'WPLANG' ) != "" ) {
                    $language = get_option( 'WPLANG' );
                } else {
                //set the new title for the Admin Menu
                $newtitle = $element->title . ' - ' . $language;

            // define new menu element
            $args = array(
                'title'     => $newtitle,
                'id'        => $element->id,
                'parent'    => $element->parent,
                'href'      => $element->href,
            // remove the old one
            $wp_admin_bar->remove_node( $element->id );
            // add the new one right afterwards.
            $wp_admin_bar->add_node( $args );



add_action( 'wp_before_admin_bar_render', 'f711_tweaked_admin_bar' );