Change Woocommerce languange on a multisite install

For WooCommerce to support any language other than the default (US English), you have to make sure of the following — it doesn’t matter whether you’re on a multisite or single-site install:

  1. In the general settings screen (Settings -> General in the admin panel), the Site language should be your desired language. In your case, you should select Español. This changes the language WordPress uses to Spanish.

    enter image description here

  2. The localization file (.mo) for WooCommerce should be in the correct folder. For WooCommerce, this is wp-content/langauges/woocommerce. The file name is woocommerce-[locale].mo. You can download the .mo-file for your language on Click on the percentage in the Stable column for your language and export the language .mo-file on the bottom of the page (.e.g

    enter image description here

    The downloaded file should be renamed and placed in the aforementioned folder, yielding wp-content/languages/woocommerce/woocommerce-es_ES.po in your case.