WordPress Subdomain MultiSite on localhost XAMPP on :8080 with IIS taking port 80

Ok, I gave up and moved to port 80, though i think what @Boultge suggest (the link) would have probably done it, but I read it too late.

Here are the files tho that are letting me run XAMPP WordPress MU sub-domain Multisite on localhost as wp.dev with 20 additional WordPress individual sites. I shortened it because i have 8 sites per line and both my wpmu and regular wordpress sites all look the same, i just have to be careful not to pick a name for a new multisite domain that i am already using for the regular wordpress

Here is the c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts localhost wp.dev somename.wp.dev someothername.wp.dev wpmu1.wp.dev wpmu2.wp.dev wpmu3.wp.dev

In httpd.conf file located in xampp/apache/conf I have (all else left as is):

Listen 80 # line 47

ServerName localhost:80 # line

In httpd-vhosts.conf in xampp/apache/conf/extra:

DocumentRoot “D:/xampp/htdocs” ServerName localhost

DocumentRoot “D:/xampp/htdocs/regular-wordpress-1/wordpress” ServerName


“D:/xampp/htdocs/regular-wordpress-1/wordpress”> Options Indexes

FollowSymLinks ExecCGI Includes Order allow,deny Allow from all

DocumentRoot “D:/xampp/htdocs/regular-wordpress-2/wordpress”

ServerName someothername.wp.dev

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI Includes

Order allow,deny

Allow from all

The rest of them above are all the same, each one a completely independent wordpress install.
At the very end of httpd-vhosts.conf comes multisite domains below:

DocumentRoot “D:/xampp/htdocs/wpmu-home/wordpress”

ServerAlias wpmu1.wp.dev

ServerAlias wpmu2.wp.dev

ServerAlias wpmu3.wp.dev

ServerName wp.dev

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI Includes

Order allow,deny

Allow from all

No other directive is activated besides what’s here in the httpd-vhosts. With this sub domain wordpress multisite on xampp works fine though on port 80.

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