How to create shortcode to display perticular word from page title

To create a custom shortcode, use wp’s add_shortcode(). The simplest place to add it is your theme functions.php, but the preferred way would be to add it to a child theme. The first parameter is your shortcode’s name. The second is the function the shortcode will use to generate the inserted content. Writing the function for getting the last word of a the title is also fairly straight-forward:

// Add the Shortcode
add_shortcode( 'last_title_word', 'wpse_get_last_word_in_title' );

 * Function to return the last word of the current post or page title.
function wpse_get_last_word_in_title() {
    $title = get_the_title(); // ask WP for the current post/page title
    $all_title_words = explode( ' ', $title ); // separate all the words into an array
    return array_pop( $all_title_words ); // return the last word.

Now you should be able to use “…LIVE Training, [last_title_word] hosted by us…” in your content.