Blogroll entry generates hundreds of ‘Links to Your Site’ in Google Webmaster Tools for the linked site

I found the answer in a simple plugin called ‘Nofollow Blogroll SEO’: This plugin has no settings. It simply adds ‘rel=nofollow’ to all your blogroll links, unless the blogroll is being shown on the home page. Perfect! Here’s some information from Google about how they handle ‘nofollow’ links:

“Folding” links in the blogroll

there is a plugin called “better blogroll” I guess it would help you do what you want . I had it installed on one of my sites, but site currently down , so can’t really test – but as far as i remember it does the work u asking for give it a look … Read more

Blogroll/Lins Menu not visible in my backend?

From the codex: “As of Version 3.5, the Links Manger and blogroll are hidden for new installs and any existing WordPress installs that do not have any links. If you are upgrading from a previous version of WordPress with any active links, the Links Manager will continue to function as normal. If you would like … Read more

Blogroll links sorted by category in a table

As suggested, here is the “arrayed” version: $args = array( ‘categorize’ => 1, ‘category_before’ => ”, ‘category_after’ => ‘</table>’, ‘title_before’ => ‘<h3>’, ‘title_after’ => ‘</h3><table><tr><th>Link</th><th>Description</th><tr>’, ‘orderby’ => ‘name’, ‘order’ => ‘ASC’, ‘before’ => ‘<tr><td>’, ‘after’ => ‘</td></tr>’, ‘between’ => ‘</td><td>’, ‘show_description’ => 1, ‘show_name’ => 1 ); wp_list_bookmarks( $args ); The Highlight of my answer … Read more