Does WordPress perform better with curl installed?

WordPress will use curl if available and it is first transport choice, that is preferable to other supported methods of performing HTTP requests. There is plenty written on merits of using curl and that’s not really specific to WordPress. From the top of my head I’ve read Requiring cURL in Your PHP Library recently.

Run WordPress Plugin in the Specified time

As you mentioned, WordPress by default only runs the wp_cron when the WordPress site is visited. This of course will cause problems if you are needing to schedule some event reliably, and you aren’t getting consistent traffic to your site. To resolve this, you can disable the default functionality of the wordpress cron by adding … Read more

Sending WordPress database information to cross domain the safe way?

If you have to do this with php then you are going to want to use the WP_Http class. Specifically, you’ll probably want to use wp_remote_post(). Something like this should get you started. function pushData($data){ //data is an associative array of the things you want to send $url = “”; return wp_remote_post($url, array( ‘method’ => … Read more

How to send user data from one website to another

I just found a possible solution for my question. The technology I was looking for is curl. Look at this posts for more Informations: Also I this Blog Article quite useful: