How to use WordPress to embed a SoundCloud download link?

As you may have already found out, presently, soundcloud do not allow modification of parameters with the HTML5 widget and only when using the flash player. See here for more info: The options for the flash player can be found here: I hope this answers your question anyway.

Embed Kajabi into WP

Welcome to WPSE. When asking a question it is recommended to include your research and what you’ve already tried in your question. One option would be to turn the script into a shortcode with add_shortcode(). With a custom shortcode you can have any Kajabi form anywhere on your site as long as the shortcode takes … Read more

IS there any reason not to include javascript in my own post’s embeds?

Does this mean that including JavaScript would be a bad idea? No, it doesn’t. That class is used for styling purposes so that you could apply styles specific to when JavaScript is not available (either not supported or is disabled), and when it’s available (supported and enabled). And in most cases/implementations, when JS is enabled, … Read more

Is it possible to use github:gist with WordPress? [closed]

No. As scribu mentions, you can do this on a self-hosted WordPress site with a plugin. In, though, you don’t have access to these plugins and must depend on the oEmbed support extends you by default. Your best bet is to contact their support team directly and ask if/when they’ll have support for … Read more

Embed a page within WordPress dashboard?

function facebook_setup_function() { add_meta_box( ‘facebook_widget’, ‘Facebook Moderation Tools’, ‘facebook_widget_function’, ‘dashboard’, ‘normal’, ‘low’ ); } function facebook_widget_function() { include (‘facebook.php’); } add_action( ‘wp_dashboard_setup’, ‘facebook_setup_function’ ); add the above to your functions file and replace the include url with the php file you wish to include into your dashboard. Setting it up ; Use the facebook.php and … Read more

Can’t get default values to work with custom shortcode

extract takes and associative array and explodes it out in variables that reflect the array key names. $atts[‘height’] would just be $height, in other words. The relevant two lines of your code would become: <param name=”type” value=”video/quicktime” height=”‘.$height.'” width=”‘.$width.'”> <embed src=”‘.$url.'” height=”‘.$height.'” width=”‘.$width.'” autoplay=”false” type=”video/quicktime” pluginspage=””> If you did still want to use the indexing, … Read more

WordPress: embedding last posted video

This should work, even outside of the loop: $latestPost = get_posts(‘numberposts=1&category=YOUR_CATEGORY_ID’); The WordPress function get_posts sorts by post date, newest-to-oldest by default, so you’d get the newest post in whatever category you choose. Also, even though you are only requesting one post, the response will still be an array: echo $latestPost[0]->post_content; Edit: Since the video … Read more