How can I modify a post depending on the source of the traffic?

Not a wordpress questions really. You will get much better responses at However you instigated my curiosity… you can get the referral url by using the following javascript: document.referrer You could add that to your current AD script to check if the document.referrer == “some url” before displaying the ad. See more examples here

How do I add a class to all sidebars to let a Google Custom Search Engine know not to index the content?

If you want to add a class before each widget you should use the dynamic_sidebar_params filter. Another post explains this well. Here’s the gist of it. function uft_add_nocontent_class($params) { $params[0][‘before_widget’] = ‘<aside id=”%1$s” class=”widget %2$s nocontent”>’; return $params; } add_filter(‘dynamic_sidebar_params’, ‘uft_add_nocontent_class’); Otherwise, go and edit your child theme files. If you don’t have a lot … Read more

WordPress URL question

These are your user information, this tutorial can be helpful for you to change/update author slug. There is no Author Template on your theme, have to create author template, this will be helpful for you.

How to non index my website page links?

WordPress comes with a built-in feature that allows you to instruct search engines not to index your site. All you need to do is visit Settings » Reading and check the box next to Search Engine Visibility option. When this box is checked, WordPress adds this line to your website’s header: <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex,follow” /> … Read more

Google flagged a wp-admin redirect as phishing

Did you end up figuring out the cause of this? I’m getting the same problem. WordFence isn’t detecting any changed files. I’ve been trying to correct it for a couple days now. There wp-login.php is very simple. No scripts loading there that shouldn’t be there. I wonder if Google’s systems view the wp_attempt_focus() function on … Read more

Display posts on a map

The GPS position is saved on two post meta fields: geo_latitude and geo_longitude. You can use these meta values to draw the posts as markers on a Google Maps. For example, using Google Maps API, you could have a template like this: <h1>Posts on map</h1> <div id=”map” style=”height: 400px;”></div> <script> // init map with the … Read more