Size has private access in ArrayList

You are attempting to access a private member of ArrayList, part of its internal working that are not supposed to be used externally If you want to get the size of the arraylist you want the method: Why is it like this This gives the ArrayList class the option to store size in whatever way it wants. Does … Read more

What is the use of a private static variable in Java?

Of course it can be accessed as ClassName.var_name, but only from inside the class in which it is defined – that’s because it is defined as private. public static or private static variables are often used for constants. For example, many people don’t like to “hard-code” constants in their code; they like to make a public static or private static variable with a meaningful … Read more

Does Python have “private” variables in classes?

It’s cultural. In Python, you don’t write to other classes’ instance or class variables. In Java, nothing prevents you from doing the same if you really want to – after all, you can always edit the source of the class itself to achieve the same effect. Python drops that pretence of security and encourages programmers to be … Read more