WordPress Multisite Multiple child theme

You can copy your canvas-child folder and call it canvas-child-2, or similar. Then open up style.css in canvas-child-2, and edit the Theme Name:. Do this for as many different child themes you need.

You will then need to enable the child themes for the sites you wish to use them on. Visit the Sites menu in your Network Dashboard, and click the edit link under one of the sites. Switch to the Themes tab and click on the Enable link under the name of the theme you wish to use on this site. Do this for all sites you wish to use a custom child theme on.

The final step is to activate the themes on the sites. Login to the site’s administration dashboard and visit the Themes menu. Click on the Activate link under the child theme you wish to use on this site. Do this for all sites you wish to use a custom child theme on.

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