Display Custom Taxonomy of custom post type

I am assiming you already register taxonomy which show you correct links (and generate correct rewrite rules)… but lets make a checklist.

1) Register Taxonomy and assign it to different post types

done by you…

2) Modify a rewrite rules

add_filter('locations_rewrite_rules', 'se_119400_locations_rewrite_rules');
function se_119400_locations_rewrite_rules(){
    $rules = array();
    $rules['location(/?(([^/]+?)(/page/?([0-9]{1,})/?)?)?)$']     = 'index.php?locations=$matches[3]&paged=$matches[5]&post_type=any';
    return $rules;

3) Taxonomy template?

Create a taxonomy template taxonomy-locations.php – this will show you a list of posts..

4) Actuall locations list/cloud?


 wp_tag_cloud(array('taxonomy' => 'locations'));