Moving FB comments at the end of page

From the plugin’s user manual.

Curent_url – Type the page URL from where you need to show Facebook

So you will have to change the current URL which is ( to your real current URL.

global $wp;
$current_url = home_url( add_query_arg( array(), $wp->request ) );
echo do_shortcode('[wpdevart_facebook_comment facebook_app_id="12345678910111213" curent_url="'.$current_url.'
    " order_type="social" title_text="Facebook Comment" title_text_color="#000000" title_text_font_size="16" title_text_font_famely="Arial" title_text_position="left" width="100%" bg_color="#000000" animation_effect="none" count_of_comments="10" ]');